The journal of the BH Economic Forum of the Faculty of Economics of the University of Zenica publishes scientific and expert papers in the field of economics. The papers can be sent to the address: University of Zenica, Faculty of Economics, Travnièka 3, 72000,Zenica, BH ECONOMIC FORUM or electronically to the following email addresses: bh_ekonomski_forum ©, or, or almir.dr2© The received papers do not return.
Types of papers
The papers can be classified as:
-Original scientific paper which contains unpublished and new results of original research in its complete form. The work is characterized as being original when it makes a significant contribution to a particular scientific problem or its understanding and when it describes new research results from a certain field; it is written so that any expert from a given area on the basis of the above information can repeat the experiment and achieve the described results with the same accuracy or within the limits of the error stated by the author or may repeat the authors observations, calculations or theoretical statements.
-Preliminary note - contains new, yet unpublished results of original research, but in a preliminary form, this form of the article implies the publication of new scientific results, but without sufficient detail to enable the reader to check the reported data, as is the case in the original scientific paper.
-Review article - contains an original, concise and critical presentation of one area of theory or practical research, in which the author himself actively criticising participates, in which the role of the author's original contribution to the area in relation to already published works must be emphasized, as well as a review of these papers. The overview contains a complete presentation of the state of a certain field of the theory or its application, the author presents his own critical review and evaluation, and obligatory lists the data on all published works that he used as a starting point for his work.
-Professional paper - which contains useful contributions from a particular profession and a particular profession, but does not represent original research; reviews (critique), reviews and reports, other uncategorized papers are published in a special, for this purpose, part of the journal.
Review proces
All papers will undergo a double blind review process, i.e., they are sent to at least two independent anonymous reviewers.
Only papers with affirmative reviews will be published in the journal. After the completed review, within 60 days, the authors will be notified of the status of the work sent. The papers accepted by the Editorial Board of the Journal obligate the authors, do not to publish them in other scientific-professional publications.
Formatting requirements
When submitting the papers, authors should should be paid special attention to the following technical details: The paper is delivered in electronic form as a Word document [Times New Roman (TNR) or Arial, 12] with a double spacing of not more than 20 pages, numbered.
On the first page in the upper left corner, the name and surname of the author (scientific or professional title) are given, and the name of the institution in which he is employed, the address of the institution or private address are placed in the footnote. The title is written in TNR, or Arial format, 14, bold, centred.
Summary of paper length up to 250 words, keywords (three to five) and JEL classification. The summary contains a general topic view, a subject and a research problem, a methodology of the paper, an indication of results and conclusions. Tables, charts, and equations contain the title and numerical tag in the order in which they are listed. Legend and source of data and author's notes are listed below the tables and charts in italics (TNR 11, or Arial 11).
Papers are quoted in the text of paper or footnotes under the paper (plants) instead of the existing text.
Article structure
The paper is necessary to be structured from the following parts:
- Title of paper.
- Review of previous research.
- Conclusion and recommentations.
The title of the paper is marked with regular numbers and written in bold letters.
Additional clarifications are given in the footnotes whose numbering begins with each new page.
References are placed at the end of the paper, arranged according to the Harvard referencing system for various units, such as:
Alihodžić, A. 2018. Evaluacija i upravljanje finansijskim performansama preduzeća, Ekonomski institut, Beograd.
For Journals:
Allen, F., Jackowicz, K., Kowalewski, O., Kozlowski, L. (2017). „Bank lending, crises and changing ownership structure in Central and Eastern European countries“, Journal of Corporate Finance, No.4, pp.494-515.
For electronic sources:
North, D.C., 2003. The Role of Institutions in Economic Development. Discussion Paper Series, [online]. No. 2003.2. United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, Geneva, Switzerland.Available at: [Accessed on September 19, 2008].
For official documents in electronic version:
Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2009. Annual Report, [online]. Available at: [Accessed on July 27, 2009].