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Review article

Application of EN ISO 9001:2008 and EN ISO 9004:2009 standards and business performances improvement of small and medium enterprises in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Dijana Husaković ,
Edis Mujčinović
Edis Mujčinović


The system of quality management in accordance to standards of ISO 9000 series in
today’s dynamic environment is rapidly becoming the business imperative for companies, especially for small and medium enterprises which strive to increase competitiveness and improve their business performances. The link between standards and
business performances has been capturing a lot of attention of academic community,
which mainly focuses on a different benefits that companies can achieve by adequately implementing these standards.
The research presented in this paper focuses on small and medium entreprises in
B&H which have an established system of quality management in accordance to
ISO 9000 series standards in order to determine whether companies apply these
standards in a way to improve their business performances and increase their competitiveness.
The research results show that the requirements of ISO 9001:2009 standard are not
adequately implemented in small and medium companies in B&H, which further
implicates their indisposition for the application of ISO 9004:2009 standard. Therefore, full positive effects of these standards on business performance and competitiveness improvement of companies are not achieved. 


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EN ISO 9000:2005 – Sistemi upravljanja kvalitetom, termini I definicije.
EN ISO 9001:2008 – Sistemi upravljanja kvalitetom, zahtjevi.
EN ISO 9004:2009 – Ostvarivanje održivog razvoja, pristup preko menadžmenta kvaliteta.
ISO 9000 for Small Business”.
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