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Review article

Representation and development of electronic commerce in companies in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Faruk Unkić


Development of the world’s information technology and their influence on all aspects of human life and work is largely reflected in the areas of Bosnia and Herzegovina. This is the time when most of the companies switch to the electronic way of doing
business. Today, without Internet and electronic business, it is virtually unthinkable
to realize the online business objectives and the more efficient to spend business
We made research in the purpose of knowing how the electronic trade is represented
in the business world in Bosnia and Herzegovina, if it is accepted by companies,
institutions and others, if they are used and what they think about electronic trade.
The aim of the work is to explore the representation and development of electronic
commerce in companies in Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as to examine the prerequisites that must be fulfilled for the successful development of electronic commerce.
The research was based on conducting the survey with approx. 250 companies in
Bosnia and Herzegovina. Interviewing was carried out electronically. The limitations of research consist in the fact that the research was carried out in a developing
country where the use of information technologies is on a lower level than in developed countries.


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