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Review article

Job standardization as a mediator of the using information technologies impact on employee efficiency

Elvir Čizmić ,
Elvir Karajbić ,
Elvir Karajbić
Đevad Šašić
Đevad Šašić


The content of work in all types of workplaces has been intensively changing in the last few decades, especially in the part of the way of doing work and increasing efficiency. The mentioned dynamic of changes is caused by alters in the technical system that is increasingly relying on information technology and automation systems, where today one person can perform in certain areas the same amount of work that was previously performed by dozens of employees. Standardization at the time of the fourth technological revolution, can be used to a certain extent to improve the efficiency of the work of employees in all areas and industries, whether it is production or service, but with different intensity. The aim of the paper is to test the mediating influence of job standardization on employee efficiency if the key outputs of the job analysis process are observed as predictors. The paper will test the impact of job analysis segments including information technology using intensity on employee efficiency in the context of the fourth technological revolution and digitalization, directly and indirectly through the mediation of job standardization construct. In the above way, we want to find out the answer to the question of how important the standardization of work is as a vehicle for the efficiency of employees in modern business conditions that require acceptance of the principle of deviating from the standard job description and procedures (dejobbing), which to a certain extent is in logical collision with the standardization of work.


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