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Review article

Corporate social responsibility in the function of employee motivation

Dijana Husaković ,
Ilma Dedić-Grabus ,
Ilma Dedić-Grabus
Esmir Husetović
Esmir Husetović


Corporate social responsibility implies the company's commitment to create and implement business strategies and activities in harmony with the environment and ethical behaviour towards stakeholders. Employees belong to the important interest groups and resources of every company, because their actions directly affect business results. The paper presents activities of corporate social responsibility towards employees. Employee motivation is important because it directly affects the productivity of workers , which further has consequences on the business results of the company. Employee motivation changes in the action of various factors from the employee's environment , inside and outside the work environment. In this paper, corporate social responsibility will be presented as a factor related to employee motivation. The main goal of this paper is to examine the relationship between corporate social responsibility and employee motivation and the possible connection between socially responsible activities toward employees and their motivation. The research will be conducted by examining the attitudes of managers about the connection between socially responsible business and motivation, because managers make decisions about employees within their work activities. The sample includes managers of large Bosnian companies.


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