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Relationship between the type of managers and socially responsible business: Evidence from companies in Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Dijana Husaković ,
Esmir Husetović ,
Esmir Husetović
Nermana Mahmić-Muhić
Nermana Mahmić-Muhić


In today's dynamic business environment conditions, the socially responsible business occupies a special place. Socially responsible companies are more sensitive to the needs and expectations of the most important stakeholder groups: shareholders, employees, customers and the community. In addition to socially responsible companies working in accordance with the needs and expectations of mentioned groups, they can achieve many other benefits from corporate social responsibility: gain a better reputation and image in the market, attract quality human resources, attract many investors, etc. Application of socially responsible business in companies requires from managers proactive approach, stakeholders orientation and ethical behavior in making business decisions. When we talk about socially responsible business, in theory, there are three types of managers: immoral, amoral and moral type. Immoral type of managers actively opposes what is considered correct or ethical. The amoral type of managers is neither immoral nor moral. Their main characteristic is that they are not too sensitive to the fact that their business decisions can affect others. The moral type of managers uses ethical norms and adhere to high standards of good behavior. This paper researched the dominant type of managers, from the aspect of socially responsible business, in large private companies in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The research determined that managers, who are not too sensitive to the fact that their business decisions can have harmful consequences for others, are the dominant type of managers in large private companies in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The research was proven on 63 large private companies in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.


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