BH Economic Forum is a scientific-expert journal consisting of original scientific papers, preliminary notes, scientific works, professional papers, reviewed articles, presentations, and reports.
The authors are recognized scientists from the field of economy in Bosnia and Herzegovina and abroad, but also those who are about to become recognized.
The journal is primarily comprised of the four fields: economic policy, marketing, management, finances, and accounting, but works from other scientific fields of economy, as well those with the multidisciplinary approach are also welcome.
The journal is a periodical publication published twice a year.
Journal BH EKONOMSKI FORUM is indexed on: EBSCO, ProQuest, Central and Eastern European Online Library, ROAD, BASE, CiteFactor, J-Gate Indexed, ERIH PLUS, EconBiz, SCINDEKS, CEJSH i Index Copernicus.
All submitted papers are reviewed by the editorial board and if accepted, they are sent to one domestic and one international reviewer outside the institution in order to gain anonymity and quality.