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The system of quality management in accordance to standards of ISO 9000 series intoday’s dynamic environment is rapidly becoming the business imperative for companies, especially for small and medium enterprises which strive to increase competitiveness and improve their business performances. The link between standards andbusiness performance...

By Dijana Husaković, Edis Mujčinović

Development of the world’s information technology and their influence on all aspects of human life and work is largely reflected in the areas of Bosnia and Herzegovina. This is the time when most of the companies switch to the electronic way of doingbusiness. Today, without Internet and electronic business, it is virtually unthinkableto reali...

By Faruk Unkić

Latest financial crisis resulted in non-performing loans growth what causes a lot ofproblems to financial stability of banking systems all around world. Aim of this paperwas to examine the impulse response function of financial stability and non-performing loans in Bosnia and Herzegovina banking sector. For that purpose, non-performing loans were d...

By Kemal Kozarić, Emina Žunić-Dželihodžić

The fair and reliable financial reporting of business entities is extremely important for strengthening the confidence among business entities, acting positively on the scope of business activities and achieved results. On the otherhand, individuals, businesses and the entire society, suffered huge losses, dueto the frauds in financial reports, by ...

By Ševala Isaković-Kaplan, Lejla Demirović, Mahir Proho

Journal of University of Zenica