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Interaction of strategic management processes and achieved corporate profitability: Evidence from Croatia

Valentina Vinšalek-Stipić
Valentina Vinšalek-Stipić
Contact Valentina Vinšalek-Stipić


Strategic management can be said to have evolved over time and will continue to evolve. In order for companies to be more successful in their operations, they need a methodological approach to developing a strategic plan. Strategy implementation is a complex process because it is a consequence of complex relationships. In accordance with the above, an empirical study was conducted on a sample of 53 companies in the Republic of Croatia. The subject and goal of the research was to scientifically determine the importance of adopting and implementing long-term strategic plans. The main results of the research are that the degree of implementation of the strategy is not significantly related to the indicators of net profit margin (ROS 0.164) and return on equity (ROE 0.216), while it is partially related to the indicator of earnings strength (TSZ 0.304) but is significant for a successful business. The implementation of the research revealed that strategic planning is an extremely important and significant factor for stable growth and development of the company. The implementation of the strategy has an important contribution to the successful operation of the company.


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