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Due to the crucial role of credit in the economic activity of a country, there is agrowing empirical literature examining the determinants of domestic credit to theprivate sector, which may be demand-side or supply-side factors. It is commonlyheld that excessive domestic debt reduces private sector credit, raise bank lendingrates, and shrink output...

By Nina Mojsova-Kjoseva, Martin Noveski

From a long-term perspective, modern capitalism does not only require companiesto profit as much as possible, but is increasingly paying attention to the social andenvironmental problems of business. It refers to meeting the social and environmental needs of the wider community. Climate change affecting the extinction ofbiological species has a maj...

By Valentina Vinšalek-Stipić

We live in a rapidly changing global society, where no one can predict the outcome of the economic, social, and political structures of the world. Changes in science, technology, and economics are particularly noticeable and are closely linked to human life. These changes create new opportunities but also challenges in new areas of everyday activit...

By Zlatko Lagumdžija, Amra Kapo, Lejla Turulja

Structure of each economy, especially those in transition, is in constant change.Shift-share analysis is widely used for studying of regional economic change. Themodel in which the present analysis is conducted has three components: (i) the national growth component (in this paper the entity level of Federation of BH is usedas reference level), (ii...

By Jasmin Halebić, Alem Merdić

Journal of University of Zenica