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Research on the importance of performance of business excellence of hotel companies in the time of globalization and regionalization

Samira Dedić ,
Amra Nuhanović ,
Amra Nuhanović
Jasenka Đulić
Jasenka Đulić


The focal point of the research in this paper is based on examining and evaluating the role and importance of performance of business excellence in the hotel industry in the time of globalization and regionalization. The research conducted in this paper included the views of hotel managers related to each performance of business excellence in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The situation with the application of the concept of business excellence in the practice of hotel companies in B&H is not particularly favourable, since this issue has not been addressed at all. Although we can see progress in improving the quality of service provision in B&H hotels, the concept of business excellence has not been sufficiently researched, and therefore not represented in the field of hotel business. Taking into account the previous, the authors came to the conclusion that everything points to the need for adoption and business according to the concept of business excellence, and that its application is necessary to ensure good business results, and thus achieve competitive advantage of each hotel company. Within the elaboration of the theoretical starting points of the observed problem, the methods of analysis and synthesis, i.e. induction and deduction, were used, with the necessity of using a systematic approach in the research. In the empirical part of the research, statistical methods of univariate analysis (descriptive statistical analysis), bivariate analysis and multivariate analysis were used. The collected data were processed with the help of SPSS Statistics 20.0.


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