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Review article

The importance of content marketing for achieving customer brand engagement

Nermana Mahmić-Muhić ,
Almir Klico
Almir Klico


In the last decade, with the development of information and communication technologies, content marketing has become one of the leading marketing techniques in marketing communication, which seeks to create a relationship with customers by creating and sharing interesting content. Activities related to content marketing are theoretically synthesized in different ways, but regardless of the chosen way of their theoretical definition, they should intuitively lead to building customer brand engagement. Customer brand engagement is characterized by different cognitive, emotional and behavioral brand-related responses caused by specific brand interactions. In the modern economy, where it is very difficult to attract and retain the attention of customers, building creative, consistent and accurate content is becoming one of the basic challenges for gaining customer engagement. The research subject focuses on the growing popularity of content marketing and customer brand engagement, and systematizes the existing findings on the importance of the effects that content marketing has on customer brand engagement. Therefore, the main goal is to review the literature on existing knowledge about customer brand engagement and content marketing, which is most often shared through social media, and critically analyze the findings of researchers and practitioners on the relationship between content marketing and customer brand engagement.


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