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Review article

Relationship between organizational configurations and competing values culture model

Dženan Kulović ,
Dijana Husaković ,
Dijana Husaković
Esmir Husetović
Esmir Husetović


Organizational configuration affects a number of management components, both hard and soft. Hard components include: organizational structure, strategy and control, and soft components are: organizational culture, organizational learning, leadership, motivation, organization power, organizational change, rewarding employees, evaluating performance and connection between individual and organization. Therefore, it can be said that organizational configuration affects organizational culture. The organizational configuration creates a framework in which a specific type of organizational culture is applied. For an organization to be successful in achieving its goals, there needs to be a high degree of agreement between the chosen model of organizational configuration and the type of organizational culture. Therefore, each model of organizational configuration corresponds with a precisely defined type of organizational culture, because only in that way organization will avoid problems in its functioning. This paper is an exploratory type, which means that it will create assumptions about the degree of agreement between specific models of organizational configurations and certain types of organizational cultures. In this paper, based on theoretical implications, assumptions are created about the degree of agreement of Mintzberg's models of organizational configurations, which are re cognized in the literature as Mintzberg's basic types of configurations and typologies of organizational cultures according to Cameron and Quinn, better known as the competing value model. Situational elements that form models of organizational configurations according to Mintzberg and the dimensions on the basis of which are performed the typology of organizational cultures according to Cameron and Quinn are taken into account.


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