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In the research, we started from the fact that consumer loans are the most common type of credits offered by the commercial banking sector to the public of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). The initial goal of the research was to look at the current structure of loans taken by citizens from banks (loan size, loan maturity, use goal, etc.) and to lo...

By Dragan Vojinović, Novo Plakalović

The purpose of this paper is to examine some of the significant factors that affect the profitability of the banks in the Macedonian banking industry. The profitability is shown through the ROA indicator. The analysis uses a model of multiple regression with a data panel that includes 14 banks in the Republic of North Macedonia for the 2010 - 2019 ...

By Ljube Jolevski, Pece Nedanovski

The focus of the paper is on the analysis of the importance and impact of strategic management and strategic decision-making on the survival, recovery and exit from the crisis of companies in Bosnia and Herzegovina, formed under the influence of coronavirus COVID 19. Many companies in Bosnia and Herzegovina were unprepared, not having a strategy at...

By Dragan Milovanović

Growing public debt is one of the biggest challenges faced by both developing and developed economies. Available research indicates the negative impact of public debt growth on economic growth. Applying the OLS method to the panel data for the countries of the Western Balkans and the period from 1998 to 2019, we found that one percentage growth in ...

By Maja Baćović

The level of banking concentration has increased significantly in the banking sector of Bosnia and Herzegovina as a result of the successful completion of privatization, the formation of new banks, the slow transition and rapid liberalization. Rapid liberalization has introduced strong competition in the domestic banking sector on the one hand, whi...

By Almir Alihodžić

The effects of coronavirus pandemics are omnipresent in the national economy of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Output and unemployment are probably the most important variables for measuring the negative effects of the pandemics from a macroeconomic perspective. Different organizations, both national and international, have announced their autumn and wint...

By Jasmin Halebić

It is undeniable that corporate social responsibility (CSR) occupies an important place in managerial practice, but also in academic circles. Due to the strengthening of competition between companies, and the constant need for companies to be sustainable in a market and innovative sense, it becomes clear that it is necessary to integrate social res...

By Dijana Husaković, Nermana Mahmić-Muhić, Ilma Dedić-Grabus

Enterprises are developing, increasing their profits, value and competitiveness based on successful synergies of human, structural and relational intellectual capital. In addition, R&D (Research and Development) has been acknowledged as a crucial contributor to the competitive advantage in today's competitive market. By performing R&D activ...

By Bojan Krstić, Ivana Janjić, Milica Jovanović, Sandra Milanović

Key account management (KAM) in theory is described as a strategic approach distinguishable from account management or key account selling that should be used to endure long-term development and retention of strategic customers. This article presents the importance of key account management orientation in today's business and how it affects the non...

By Vasva Klopić, Amer Klopić, Adi Alić

In order to ensure that risky assets are covered by the bank's capital, the regulator has prescribed a minimum capital adequacy ratio (CAR). The prescribed CAR, which in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina is 12%, represents the ability of banks to absorb losses caused by bad placements, expressed as the ratio of capital and risk assets of the...

By Elman Nadžaković, Senada Dupovac, Bedrija Hromić

Journal of University of Zenica