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Edited by:

Almir dr Alihodžić

Vol 20, No 1 (2024):

BH Ekonomski forum

Published: 30.09.2024.

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01.12.2020. Review article
The role and the importance of competencies for the employability of University graduates

By Suvad Isaković, Alaudin Brkić, Dženan Kulović

The goal of this work is to explore the effects of various factors that affect the employment of graduates of the University of Zenica. Additional analysis of variables as well as the links between variables will offer the input information that can contribute to the decision-making process in the development of new curriculums. The survey was conducted in Zenica-Doboj Canton, which involved n = 47 respondents. To process data, the following programs were used: Microsoft Excel, SPSS and SmartPL S3 - SEM program. The verification of the validity and the reliability of the measuring scale was carried out by calculating the Cronbach's Alpha coefficient. The review of the set of the hypotheses was carried out by the Regression analysis. The findings revealed that three hypotheses were accepted and one of them was rejected. The set hypotheses confirmed that the adopted expertise of graduates, the level of acquired skills and cooperation of the University with companies has a statistically significant impact on the employability of graduates. The organizational skills of graduates do not have a statistically significant impact on the employability of the University of Zenica graduates.

01.12.2021. Review article
Relationship between organizational configurations and competing values culture model

By Dženan Kulović, Dijana Husaković, Esmir Husetović

01.12.2020. Review article
The significance of R&D activities for managing intellectual capital of enterprises

By Bojan Krstić, Ivana Janjić, Milica Jovanović, Sandra Milanović

01.12.2021. Review article
The importance of content marketing for achieving customer brand engagement

By Nermana Mahmić-Muhić, Almir Klico

01.12.2020. Review article
The connection between corporate social responsibility and the reputation of companies in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina

By Dijana Husaković, Nermana Mahmić-Muhić, Ilma Dedić-Grabus

It is undeniable that corporate social responsibility (CSR) occupies an important place in managerial practice, but also in academic circles. Due to the strengthening of competition between companies, and the constant need for companies to be sustainable in a market and innovative sense, it becomes clear that it is necessary to integrate social responsibility into the company's business. Corporate social responsibility activities, which will be the subject of analysis, are in theory synthesized in the form of economic, legal, ethical and philanthropic activities. These corporate social responsibility activities should intuitively lead to building a positive reputation for the company. Reputation is an intangible but long-term investment. In the modern economy, where due to the speed of information transfer, it is very difficult to hide something, building a reputation is seen as one of the basic challenges of any company. The research focuses on the connection between the activities of corporate social responsibility and the reputation of large companies in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Therefore, the paper analyzes the perception of managers about the connection of corporate social responsibility activities with the reputation of large and medium companies in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The main goal of this paper is to examine the perception of managers about the relationship between corporate social responsibility activities and the reputation of companies in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

01.12.2020. Review article
Impact of key account management orientation on company's non-financial performance

By Vasva Klopić, Amer Klopić, Adi Alić

01.12.2021. Review article
Brand management challenges in the financial sector in crisis conditions

By Ljubica Janjić, Bojana Čavić, Sonja Vujović, Miloš Pavlović

01.12.2020. Review article
Corporate social responsibility in the function of employee motivation

By Dijana Husaković, Ilma Dedić-Grabus, Esmir Husetović

Corporate social responsibility implies the company's commitment to create and implement business strategies and activities in harmony with the environment and ethical behaviour towards stakeholders. Employees belong to the important interest groups and resources of every company, because their actions directly affect business results. The paper presents activities of corporate social responsibility towards employees. Employee motivation is important because it directly affects the productivity of workers , which further has consequences on the business results of the company. Employee motivation changes in the action of various factors from the employee's environment , inside and outside the work environment. In this paper, corporate social responsibility will be presented as a factor related to employee motivation. The main goal of this paper is to examine the relationship between corporate social responsibility and employee motivation and the possible connection between socially responsible activities toward employees and their motivation. The research will be conducted by examining the attitudes of managers about the connection between socially responsible business and motivation, because managers make decisions about employees within their work activities. The sample includes managers of large Bosnian companies.


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