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Edited by:

Almir dr Alihodžić

Vol 17, No 2 (2022):

BH Ekonomski forum

Published: 01.01.2022.

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01.12.2021. Review article
Development of controlling: A review of literature

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01.12.2021. Review article
How using virtual reality can improve B2B marketing

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Evaluating the bank profitability in euroized economies

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01.12.2021. Review article
Job standardization as a mediator of the using information technologies impact on employee efficiency

By Elvir Čizmić, Elvir Karajbić, Đevad Šašić

01.12.2021. Review article
The role of top management in quality management according to BFC SEE standard

By Đevad Šašić, Venan Hadžiselimović, Elvir Čizmić

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01.12.2021. Review article
The importance of content marketing for achieving customer brand engagement

By Nermana Mahmić-Muhić, Almir Klico

In the last decade, with the development of information and communication technologies, content marketing has become one of the leading marketing techniques in marketing communication, which seeks to create a relationship with customers by creating and sharing interesting content. Activities related to content marketing are theoretically synthesized in different ways, but regardless of the chosen way of their theoretical definition, they should intuitively lead to building customer brand engagement. Customer brand engagement is characterized by different cognitive, emotional and behavioral brand-related responses caused by specific brand interactions. In the modern economy, where it is very difficult to attract and retain the attention of customers, building creative, consistent and accurate content is becoming one of the basic challenges for gaining customer engagement. The research subject focuses on the growing popularity of content marketing and customer brand engagement, and systematizes the existing findings on the importance of the effects that content marketing has on customer brand engagement. Therefore, the main goal is to review the literature on existing knowledge about customer brand engagement and content marketing, which is most often shared through social media, and critically analyze the findings of researchers and practitioners on the relationship between content marketing and customer brand engagement.

01.12.2020. Review article
The significance of R&D activities for managing intellectual capital of enterprises

By Bojan Krstić, Ivana Janjić, Milica Jovanović, Sandra Milanović

01.12.2021. Review article
Brand management challenges in the financial sector in crisis conditions

By Ljubica Janjić, Bojana Čavić, Sonja Vujović, Miloš Pavlović

01.12.2021. Review article
Relationship between organizational configurations and competing values culture model

By Dženan Kulović, Dijana Husaković, Esmir Husetović

Organizational configuration affects a number of management components, both hard and soft. Hard components include: organizational structure, strategy and control, and soft components are: organizational culture, organizational learning, leadership, motivation, organization power, organizational change, rewarding employees, evaluating performance and connection between individual and organization. Therefore, it can be said that organizational configuration affects organizational culture. The organizational configuration creates a framework in which a specific type of organizational culture is applied. For an organization to be successful in achieving its goals, there needs to be a high degree of agreement between the chosen model of organizational configuration and the type of organizational culture. Therefore, each model of organizational configuration corresponds with a precisely defined type of organizational culture, because only in that way organization will avoid problems in its functioning. This paper is an exploratory type, which means that it will create assumptions about the degree of agreement between specific models of organizational configurations and certain types of organizational cultures. In this paper, based on theoretical implications, assumptions are created about the degree of agreement of Mintzberg's models of organizational configurations, which are re cognized in the literature as Mintzberg's basic types of configurations and typologies of organizational cultures according to Cameron and Quinn, better known as the competing value model. Situational elements that form models of organizational configurations according to Mintzberg and the dimensions on the basis of which are performed the typology of organizational cultures according to Cameron and Quinn are taken into account.

01.12.2021. Review article
How using virtual reality can improve B2B marketing

By Almir Klico

01.12.2021. Review article
The role of top management in quality management according to BFC SEE standard

By Đevad Šašić, Venan Hadžiselimović, Elvir Čizmić

01.12.2021. Review article
Evaluation of the revised Z'-score model as a predictor of a company's financial failure

By Emira Kozarević, Dženita Pirić

01.12.2020. Review article
The connection between corporate social responsibility and the reputation of companies in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina

By Dijana Husaković, Nermana Mahmić-Muhić, Ilma Dedić-Grabus

It is undeniable that corporate social responsibility (CSR) occupies an important place in managerial practice, but also in academic circles. Due to the strengthening of competition between companies, and the constant need for companies to be sustainable in a market and innovative sense, it becomes clear that it is necessary to integrate social responsibility into the company's business. Corporate social responsibility activities, which will be the subject of analysis, are in theory synthesized in the form of economic, legal, ethical and philanthropic activities. These corporate social responsibility activities should intuitively lead to building a positive reputation for the company. Reputation is an intangible but long-term investment. In the modern economy, where due to the speed of information transfer, it is very difficult to hide something, building a reputation is seen as one of the basic challenges of any company. The research focuses on the connection between the activities of corporate social responsibility and the reputation of large companies in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Therefore, the paper analyzes the perception of managers about the connection of corporate social responsibility activities with the reputation of large and medium companies in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The main goal of this paper is to examine the perception of managers about the relationship between corporate social responsibility activities and the reputation of companies in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.


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